Source code for indieweb_utils.indieauth.server

import base64
import binascii
import hashlib
import os
import time
from dataclasses import dataclass

import jwt

def generate_token(*, size: int = 20) -> str:
    return binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(size)).decode()

class AuthenticationError(Exception):

class TokenValidationError(Exception):

class AuthorizationCodeExpiredError(Exception):

class DecodedAuthToken:
    me: str
    client_id: str
    scope: str
    decoded_authorization_code: dict

class AuthTokenResponse:
    code: str
    code_verifier: str
    code_challenge: str

class TokenEndpointResponse:
    access_token: str
    token_type: str
    scope: str
    me: str

[docs]def validate_authorization_response( grant_type: str, code: str, client_id: str, redirect_uri: str, code_challenge: str, code_challenge_method: str, allowed_methods: list = ["S256"], ) -> None: """ Conducts checks to validate the response from an IndieAuth authorization endpoint. :param grant_type: The grant type of the authorization request. :type grant_type: str :param code: The code returned from the authorization request. :type code: str :param client_id: The client ID of the authorization request. :type client_id: str :param redirect_uri: The redirect URI of the authorization request. :type redirect_uri: str :param code_challenge: The code challenge, used for PKCE. :type code_challenge: str :param code_challenge_method: The code challenge method, used for PKCE. :type code_challenge_method: str :param allowed_methods: The list of allowed code challenge methods (default: ["S256"]). :type allowed_methods: list :returns: A boolean indicating whether the response is valid. :rtype: bool Example: .. code-block:: python import indieweb_utils indieweb_utils.validate_authorization_response( grant_type="authorization_code", code="12345", client_id="", redirect_uri="", code_challenge="12345", code_challenge_method="S256", allowed_methods=["S256"] ) :raises TokenValidationError: If the response is invalid. """ if grant_type != "authorization_code": raise TokenValidationError("Only authorization_code grant types are supported.") if not all([code, client_id, redirect_uri]): raise TokenValidationError("Token request is missing required parameters.") if code_challenge and code_challenge_method: if code_challenge_method not in allowed_methods: raise TokenValidationError("The challenge method provided is not supported.") if len(code_challenge) < 43: raise TokenValidationError("The challenge provided is too short.") if len(code_challenge) > 128: raise TokenValidationError("The challenge provided is too long.")
def _verify_decoded_code( client_id: str, redirect_uri: str, decoded_client_id: str, decoded_redirect_uri: str, decoded_expires: int ) -> bool: """ Conducts checks to validate the decoded code in an authorization request. :param client_id: The client ID of the authorization request. :rtype: str :param redirect_uri: The redirect URI of the authorization request. :rtype: str :param decoded_client_id: The decoded client ID of the authorization request. :rtype: str :param decoded_redirect_uri: The decoded redirect URI of the authorization request. :rtype: str :param decoded_expires: The decoded expiration time of the authorization request. :rtype: int :returns: True if the decoded code is valid, False otherwise. :rtype: bool Example: .. code-block:: python import indieweb_utils client_id = "" redirect_uri = "" decoded_client_id = "" decoded_redirect_uri = "" decoded_expires = 3600 code_is_valid = indieweb_utils.indieauth.server._verify_decoded_code( client_id, redirect_uri, decoded_client_id, decoded_redirect_uri, decoded_expires ) :raises AuthorizationCodeExpiredError: If the authorization code has expired. :raises TokenValidationError: If the decoded code is invalid. """ if int(time.time()) > decoded_expires: raise AuthorizationCodeExpiredError("The authorization code has expired.") if redirect_uri != decoded_redirect_uri: raise TokenValidationError( "The redirect URI provided does not match the redirect URI in the authorization token." ) if client_id != decoded_client_id: raise TokenValidationError("The client ID provided does not match the client ID in the authorization token.") return True
[docs]def generate_auth_token( me: str, client_id: str, redirect_uri: str, response_type: str, state: str, code_challenge_method: str, final_scope: str, secret_key: str, **kwargs ) -> AuthTokenResponse: """ Generates an IndieAuth authorization token. :param me: The URL of the user's profile. :type me: str :param client_id: The client ID of the authorization request. :type client_id: str :param redirect_uri: The redirect URI of the authorization request. :type redirect_uri: str :param response_type: The response type of the authorization request. :type response_type: str :param state: The state of the authorization request. :type state: str :param code_challenge_method: The code challenge method, used for PKCE. :type code_challenge_method: str :param final_scope: The scopes approved by the user. :type final_scope: str :param secret_key: The secret key used to sign the token. :type secret_key: str :param kwargs: Additional parameters to include in the token. :type kwargs: dict :returns: The authorization token. :rtype: str Example: .. code-block:: python import indieweb_utils import random import string token = indieweb_utils.indieauth.server.generate_auth_token( me="", client_id="", redirect_uri="", response_type="code", state="".join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(32)), code_challenge_method="S256", final_scope="read write", secret_key="secret" ) :raises AuthenticationError: Authentication request is invalid. """ if not all([client_id, redirect_uri, response_type, state]): raise AuthenticationError("Token request is missing required parameters.") if response_type not in ["code", "id"]: raise AuthenticationError("Only code and id response types are supported.") code_verifier = generate_token() sha256_code = hashlib.sha256(code_verifier.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() code_challenge = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(sha256_code.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8") encoded_code = jwt.encode( { "me": me, "code_verifier": code_verifier, "expires": int(time.time()) + 3600, "client_id": client_id, "redirect_uri": redirect_uri, "scope": final_scope, "code_challenge": code_challenge, "code_challenge_method": code_challenge_method, **kwargs, }, secret_key, algorithm="HS256", ) return AuthTokenResponse(code=encoded_code, code_verifier=code_verifier, code_challenge=code_challenge)
[docs]def redeem_code( grant_type: str, code: str, client_id: str, redirect_uri: str, code_verifier: str, secret_key: str, algorithms: list = ["HS256"], **kwargs ) -> TokenEndpointResponse: """ Redeems an IndieAuth code for an access token. :param grant_type: The grant type of the authorization request. :type grant_type: str :param code: The code returned from the authorization request. :type code: str :param client_id: The client ID of the authorization request. :type client_id: str :param redirect_uri: The redirect URI of the authorization request. :type redirect_uri: str :param code_verifier: The code verifier, used for PKCE. :type code_verifier: str :param secret_key: The secret key used to sign the token. :type secret_key: str :param algorithms: The list of algorithms to use for signing the token (default: ["HS256"]). :type algorithms: list :param kwargs: Additional parameters to include in the token. :type kwargs: dict :returns: A token endpoint response object. :rtype: TokenEndpointResponse Example: .. code-block:: python import indieweb_utils token_response = indieweb_utils.indieauth.server.redeem_code( grant_type="authorization_code", code="code", client_id="", redirect_uri="", code_verifier="code_verifier", secret_key="secret" ) print(token_response.access_token) print(token_response.token_type) print(token_response.scope) print( :raises AuthorizationCodeExpiredError: If the authorization code has expired. :raises TokenValidationError: If the decoded code is invalid. :raises AuthenticationError: If the token request is invalid. """ if not code or not client_id or not redirect_uri or not grant_type: raise AuthenticationError("A code, client_id, redirect_uri, and grant_type must be provided.") if grant_type != "authorization_code": raise AuthenticationError("Only authorization_code grant types are accepted.") try: decoded_code = jwt.decode(code, secret_key, algorithms=algorithms) except jwt.InvalidTokenError: raise AuthenticationError("Code is invalid.") if code_verifier is not None and decoded_code["code_challenge_method"] == "S256": sha256_code = hashlib.sha256(code_verifier.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() # urls must be encoded with url safe base64, not just standard base64 code_challenge = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(sha256_code.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8") if code_challenge != decoded_code["code_challenge"]: raise AuthenticationError("Code challenge in decoded code was invalid.") valid = _verify_decoded_code( client_id, redirect_uri, decoded_code["client_id"], decoded_code["redirect_uri"], decoded_code["expires"] ) if not valid: raise AuthenticationError(valid) scope = decoded_code["scope"] me = decoded_code["me"] access_token = jwt.encode( { "me": me, "expires": int(time.time()) + 360000, "client_id": client_id, "redirect_uri": redirect_uri, "scope": scope, **kwargs, }, secret_key, algorithm="HS256", ) return TokenEndpointResponse(access_token=access_token, token_type="bearer", scope=scope, me=me)
[docs]def validate_access_token( authorization_code: str, secret_key: str, algorithms: list = ["HS256"], ) -> DecodedAuthToken: """ Validates an access token provided by a token endpoint. :param authorization_code: The authorization code returned from the authorization request. :type authorization_code: str :param secret_key: The secret key used to sign the token. :type secret_key: str :param algorithms: The algorithms used to sign the token (default: ["HS256"]). :type algorithms: list :returns: An object with the me, client_id, and scope values from the access token. :rtype: DecodedAuthToken Example: .. code-block:: python import indieweb_utils try: decoded_token = indieweb_utils.indieauth.server.validate_access_token( authorization_code="code", secret_key="secret" ) print( print(decoded_token.client_id) print(decoded_token.scope) print(decoded_token.decoded_authorization_code) except indieweb_utils.AuthenticationError as e: print(e) except indieweb_utils.AuthorizationCodeExpiredError as e: print(e) :raises AuthorizationCodeExpiredError: Authorization code has expired. :raises AuthenticationError: Authorization code provided is invalid. """ try: decoded_authorization_code = jwt.decode(authorization_code, secret_key, algorithms=algorithms) except jwt.InvalidTokenError: raise AuthenticationError("Authorization code is invalid.") if int(time.time()) > decoded_authorization_code["expires"]: raise AuthorizationCodeExpiredError("Authorization code has expired.") me = decoded_authorization_code["me"] client_id = decoded_authorization_code["client_id"] scope = decoded_authorization_code["scope"] return DecodedAuthToken( me=me, client_id=client_id, scope=scope, decoded_authorization_code=decoded_authorization_code )