Source code for indieweb_utils.replies.context

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Tuple
from urllib import parse as url_parse

import mf2py
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

from ..parsing.parse import get_soup
from ..utils.urls import _is_http_url, canonicalize_url
from ..webmentions.discovery import (

class PostAuthor:
    Information about the author of a post.

    name: str
    url: str
    photo: str

[docs]@dataclass class ReplyContext: """ Context about a web page and its contents. """ webmention_endpoint: str photo: str name: str video: str post_html: str post_text: str authors: List[PostAuthor] description: str
class ReplyContextRetrievalError(Exception): pass class UnsupportedScheme(Exception): pass def _get_author_properties(author_url: str, h_entry: dict) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: author_image = "" author_name = "" if h_entry["properties"].get("url"): author_url = h_entry["properties"]["url"][0] if h_entry["properties"].get("name"): author_name = h_entry["properties"]["name"][0] if h_entry["properties"].get("photo"): author_image = h_entry["properties"]["photo"][0] return author_url, author_name, author_image def _process_h_entry_author(h_entry: dict, url: str, domain: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: parsed_url = url_parse.urlsplit(url) author_url = url author_image = "" author_name = "" if isinstance(h_entry["properties"]["author"][0], dict) and h_entry["properties"]["author"][0].get("type") == [ "h-card" ]: h_card = h_entry["properties"]["author"][0] author_url, author_name, author_image = _get_author_properties(author_url, h_card) elif isinstance(h_entry["properties"]["author"][0], str): if h_entry["properties"]["author"][0].startswith("/"): author_url = parsed_url.scheme + "://" + domain + h_entry["properties"].get("author")[0] try: author = mf2py.parse(requests.get(author_url, timeout=10, verify=False).text) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: pass else: h_card = [item for item in author["items"] if item.get("type", []) == ["h-card"]][0] author_url, author_name, author_image = _get_author_properties(author_url, h_card) if author_url is not None and author_url.startswith("/"): author_url = parsed_url.scheme + "://" + domain + author_url if author_image is not None and author_image.startswith("/"): author_image = parsed_url.scheme + "://" + domain + author_image return author_url, author_image, author_name def _process_post_contents(h_entry: dict, domain: str, author_image: str, summary_word_limit: int) -> Tuple[str, str]: if h_entry["properties"].get("content") and h_entry["properties"].get("content")[0].get("html"): post_body = h_entry["properties"]["content"][0]["html"] soup = BeautifulSoup(post_body, "html.parser") post_body = soup.text favicon = soup.find("link", rel="icon") if not favicon: favicon = soup.find("link", rel="shortcut icon") new_photo_url = "" if favicon: new_photo_url = _get_favicon(favicon["href"], domain) if not author_image and new_photo_url: author_image = new_photo_url post_body = " ".join(post_body.split(" ")[:summary_word_limit]) + " ..." elif h_entry["properties"].get("content"): post_body = h_entry["properties"]["content"] post_body = " ".join(post_body.split(" ")[:summary_word_limit]) + " ..." else: post_body = "" return author_image, post_body def _generate_h_entry_reply_context( h_entry: dict, url: str, domain: str, webmention_endpoint_url: str, summary_word_limit: int, ) -> ReplyContext: p_name = "" post_body = "" author_image = "" author_name = "" author_url = "" if h_entry["properties"].get("author"): author_url, author_image, author_name = _process_h_entry_author(h_entry, url, domain) author_image, post_body = _process_post_contents(h_entry, domain, author_image, summary_word_limit) if h_entry["properties"].get("name"): p_name = h_entry["properties"]["name"][0] # get article name if h_entry["properties"].get("name"): p_name = h_entry["properties"]["name"][0] # use domain name as author name if no author name is found if not author_name and author_url: author_name = url_parse.urlsplit(author_url).netloc post_photo_url = "" post_video_url = "" summary = "" if h_entry["properties"].get("featured"): post_photo_url = canonicalize_url(h_entry["properties"]["featured"][0], domain, url) if h_entry["properties"].get("video"): post_video_url = canonicalize_url(h_entry["properties"]["video"][0], domain, url) # look for featured image to display in reply context if post_photo_url is None: post_photo_url = _get_featured_image(post_body, domain) if h_entry["properties"].get("summary"): summary = h_entry["properties"]["summary"][0] if isinstance(summary, dict): summary = summary["value"] else: summary = " ".join(". ".join(post_body.split(". ")[:2]).split(" ")[:summary_word_limit]) + "..." return ReplyContext( name=p_name, post_text=post_body, post_html=post_body, authors=[PostAuthor(url=author_url, name=author_name, photo=author_image)], photo=post_photo_url, video=post_video_url, webmention_endpoint=webmention_endpoint_url, description=summary, ) def _generate_tweet_reply_context(url: str, twitter_bearer_token: str, webmention_endpoint_url: str) -> ReplyContext: tweet_uid = url.strip("/").split("/")[-1] headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {twitter_bearer_token}"} try: r = requests.get( f"{tweet_uid}?tweet.fields=author_id", headers=headers, timeout=10, verify=False, ) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: raise ReplyContextRetrievalError("Could not retrieve tweet context from the Twitter API.") if r and r.status_code != 200: raise ReplyContextRetrievalError(f"Twitter API returned {r.status_code}") base_url = f"{r.json()['data'].get('author_id')}" try: get_author = requests.get( f"{base_url}?user.fields=url,name,profile_image_url,username", headers=headers, timeout=10, verify=False, ) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: raise ReplyContextRetrievalError("Could not retrieve tweet context from the Twitter API.") if get_author and get_author.status_code == 200: photo_url = get_author.json()["data"].get("profile_image_url") author_name = get_author.json()["data"].get("name") author_url = "" + get_author.json()["data"].get("username") else: photo_url = "" author_name = "" author_url = "" return ReplyContext( name=author_name, post_text=r.json()["data"].get("text"), post_html=r.json()["data"].get("html"), authors=[PostAuthor(url=author_url, name=author_name, photo=photo_url)], photo=photo_url, video="", webmention_endpoint=webmention_endpoint_url, description=r.json()["data"].get("text"), ) def _get_content_from_html_page(soup: BeautifulSoup, summary_word_limit: int) -> str: # get body tag main_tag = soup.find("body") if main_tag: p_tag = main_tag.find("h1") if p_tag: p_tag = p_tag.text else: p_tag = "" else: p_tag = "" if".e-content"): p_tag =".e-content")[0] # get first paragraph if p_tag: p_tag = p_tag.find("p") if p_tag: p_tag = p_tag.text p_tag = " ".join([w for w in p_tag.split(" ")[:summary_word_limit]]) + " ..." else: p_tag = "" return p_tag def _get_featured_video(soup: BeautifulSoup, domain: str) -> str: video = soup.find("video") if video and video.get("src"): return canonicalize_url(video.get("src"), domain) return "" def _get_featured_image(soup: BeautifulSoup, domain: str) -> str: post_photo_url = "" photo_selectors = ( (".u-photo", "src"), ("meta[name='og:image']", "content"), ("meta[name='twitter:image:src']", "content"), ("meta[property='og:image']", "content"), ("meta[property='twitter:image:src']", "content"), (".logo", "src"), ) for selector, attrib in photo_selectors: if not continue data =[0].get(attrib) if not data: continue post_photo_url = data break if post_photo_url != "": return canonicalize_url(post_photo_url, domain) return post_photo_url def _get_favicon(photo_url: str, domain: str) -> str: if not _is_http_url(photo_url): photo_url = "https://" + domain + photo_url try: r = requests.get(photo_url, timeout=10, verify=False) if r.status_code != 200: photo_url = "" except requests.exceptions.RequestException: photo_url = "" return photo_url def _generate_reply_context_from_main_page( url: str, http_headers: dict, domain: str, webmention_endpoint_url: str, summary_word_limit: int, html: str = "", soup: BeautifulSoup = None, ) -> ReplyContext: if soup is None: soup = get_soup(html, url, headers=http_headers) page_title = soup.find("title") meta_description = "" description_selectors = ( "meta[name='description']", "meta[name='og:description']", "meta[name='twitter:description']", "meta[property='description']", "meta[property='og:description']", "meta[property='twitter:description']", ) for selector in description_selectors: description = if description: meta_description = description[0]["content"] break if page_title: page_title = page_title.text p_tag = _get_content_from_html_page(soup, summary_word_limit) post_photo_url = _get_featured_image(soup, domain) video_url = _get_featured_video(soup, domain) favicon = soup.find("link", rel="icon") if not favicon: favicon = soup.find("link", rel="shortcut icon") photo_url = "" if favicon: photo_url = _get_favicon(favicon["href"], domain) if not _is_http_url(domain): author_url = "https://" + domain meta_description = meta_description.strip().replace("\n\n", " ").replace("\n", " ") return ReplyContext( name=page_title, post_text=p_tag, post_html=p_tag, authors=[PostAuthor(url=author_url, name="", photo=photo_url)], photo=post_photo_url, video=video_url, webmention_endpoint=webmention_endpoint_url, description=meta_description, )
[docs]def get_reply_context(url: str, twitter_bearer_token: str = "", summary_word_limit: int = 75) -> ReplyContext: """ Generate reply context for use on your website based on a URL. :param url: The URL of the post to generate reply context for. :type url: str :param twitter_bearer_token: The optional Twitter bearer token to use. This token is used to retrieve a Tweet from Twitter's API if you want to generate context using a Twitter URL. :type twitter_bearer_token: str :param summary_word_limit: The maximum number of words to include in the summary (default 75). :type summary_word_limit: int :return: A ReplyContext object with information about the specified web page. :rtype: ReplyContext Example: .. code-block:: python import indieweb_utils context = indieweb_utils.get_reply_context( url="", summary_word_limit=50 ) # print the name of the specified page to the console print( # "Home | James' Coffee Blog" :raises ReplyContextRetrievalError: Reply context cannot be retrieved. :raises UnsupportedScheme: The specified URL does not use http:// or https://. """ parsed_url = url_parse.urlsplit(url) http_headers = {"Accept": "text/html", "User-Agent": "indieweb_utils"} if parsed_url.scheme not in ["http", "https"]: raise UnsupportedScheme(f"{parsed_url.scheme} is not supported.") try: page_content = requests.get(url, timeout=10, verify=False, headers=http_headers) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: raise ReplyContextRetrievalError("Could not retrieve page content.") if page_content.status_code != 200: raise ReplyContextRetrievalError(f"Page returned a {page_content.status_code} response.") try: webmention_endpoint_url_response = discover_webmention_endpoint(url) webmention_endpoint_url = webmention_endpoint_url_response.endpoint except ( TargetNotProvided, WebmentionEndpointNotFound, UnacceptableIPAddress, LocalhostEndpointFound, ): webmention_endpoint_url = "" parsed = mf2py.parse(doc=page_content.text) domain = parsed_url.netloc if ( parsed["items"] and parsed["items"][0]["type"] == ["h-entry"] and "name" in parsed["items"][0].get("properties", {}) ): h_entry = parsed["items"][0] return _generate_h_entry_reply_context(h_entry, url, domain, webmention_endpoint_url, summary_word_limit) if parsed_url.netloc == "" and twitter_bearer_token is not None: return _generate_tweet_reply_context(url, twitter_bearer_token, webmention_endpoint_url) return _generate_reply_context_from_main_page( url, http_headers, domain, webmention_endpoint_url, summary_word_limit )