Source code for indieweb_utils.utils.urls

from urllib import parse as url_parse

[docs]def canonicalize_url(url: str, domain: str = "", full_url: str = "", protocol: str = "https") -> str: """ Return a canonical URL for the given URL. :param url: The URL to canonicalize. :type url: str :param domain: The domain to use for the canonical URL. :type domain: str :param full_url: Optional full URL to use for the canonical URL. :type full_url: str or None :param protocol: Optional protocol to use for the canonical URL. :type protocol: str or None :return: The canonical URL. :rtype: str .. code-block:: python import indieweb_utils url = "/contact" domain = "" protocol = "https" endpoints = indieweb_utils.canonicalize_url( url, domain, protocol=protocol ) print(webmention_endpoint) # """ if _is_http_url(url): domain = url_parse.urlsplit(url).netloc # remove port from domain domain = domain.split(":")[0] protocol = url_parse.urlsplit(url).scheme return protocol + "://" + domain + "/" + "/".join(url.split("/")[3:]) current_protocol = url_parse.urlsplit(url).scheme # this will preserve links like irc:// and mailto: if current_protocol: return url if ":" in domain: text_before_port = domain.split(":")[0] text_after_port = domain.split(":")[1].split("/")[0] domain = text_before_port + "/" + text_after_port final_result = "" if url.startswith("//"): final_result = protocol + ":" + domain.strip() + "/" + url elif url.startswith("/"): final_result = protocol + "://" + domain.strip() + "/" + url elif url.startswith("./"): final_result = full_url + url[1:] elif url.startswith("../"): final_result = protocol + "://" + domain.strip() + "/" + url[3:] else: final_result = protocol + "://" + url # replace ../ throughout url url_after_replacing_dots = "" to_check = final_result.replace(domain, "").replace(protocol + "://", "") for url_item in to_check.split("/"): if url_item == "..": # directory before ../ directory = url_after_replacing_dots.split("/")[-1] url_after_replacing_dots = url_after_replacing_dots.replace(directory, "") else: url_after_replacing_dots += "/" + url_item url_after_replacing_dots = url_after_replacing_dots.lstrip("/") # replace ./ throughout url url_after_replacing_dots = url_after_replacing_dots.replace("./", "/") final_url = protocol + "://" + domain + "/" + url_after_replacing_dots.lstrip("/") return final_url
def _is_http_url(url: str) -> bool: """ Determine if URL is http or not """ return url_parse.urlsplit(url).scheme in ["http", "https"]
[docs]def remove_tracking_params(url: str, custom_params: list) -> str: """ Remove all UTM tracking parameters from a URL. :param url: The URL to remove tracking parameters from. :type url: str :param custom_params: A list of custom parameters to remove. :type custom_params: list :return: The URL without tracking parameters. :rtype: str Example: .. code-block:: python import indieweb_utils url = "" url_without_tracking = indieweb_utils.remove_tracking_params(url) print(url_without_tracking) # """ parsed_url = url_parse.urlparse(url.lower()) query = url_parse.parse_qs(parsed_url.query) for key in query.keys(): if key.startswith("utm_") or key.startswith(custom_params): del query[key] new_query = url_parse.urlencode(query, doseq=True) new_url = url_parse.urlunparse( (parsed_url.scheme, parsed_url.netloc, parsed_url.path, parsed_url.params, new_query, parsed_url.fragment) ) return new_url
[docs]def is_site_url(url: str, domain: str) -> bool: """ Determine if a URL is a site URL. :param url: The URL to check. :type url: str :param domain: The domain to check against. :type domain: str :return: Whether or not the URL is a site URL. :rtype: bool :raises ValueError: If the URL does not include a scheme. Example: .. code-block:: python import indieweb_utils url = "" domain = "" is_site_url = indieweb_utils.is_site_url(url, domain) print(is_site_url) # True """ parsed_url = url_parse.urlparse(url) if parsed_url.scheme == "": raise ValueError("URL must include a scheme") if parsed_url.netloc == "": return False return url_parse.urlsplit(url).netloc == domain
[docs]def slugify(url: str, remove_extension: bool = False, allowed_chars: list = ["-", "/", "_", "."]) -> str: """ Turn a URL into a slug. Only alphanumeric characters, periods, dashes, and underscores are allowed in the resulting slug, unless an allowed_chars list is provided. :param url: The URL to slugify. :type url: str :param remove_extension: Whether or not to remove the file extension from the slug. :type remove_extension: bool :param allowed_chars: A list of allowed characters. :type allowed_chars: list :return: A slugified URL. Example: from indieweb.utils import slugify slugify("", True) # slugify("indieweb.html", True) # /indieweb/ """ if _is_http_url(url): parsed_url = url_parse.urlparse(url) full_url = url_parse.unquote(parsed_url.path) else: full_url = url_parse.unquote(url) # replace all space / with - full_url = full_url.replace(" /", "/") # get file extension extension = full_url.split(".")[-1] if remove_extension and extension: # remove file extension full_url = full_url.replace(f".{extension}", "/") path = "".join([char for char in full_url.replace(" ", "-") if char.isalnum() or char in allowed_chars]) if url.startswith("http"): # recompose url and replace return parsed_url._replace(path=path).geturl() path = path.lstrip("/") path = "/" + path return path